柔佛州王儲無懼邪惡的國安法,公開挑戰納吉執政團隊:《如果你們認為說真話是一種犯罪行為的話,那麼,就把我抓去關吧!》 - npnt

柔佛州王儲無懼邪惡的國安法,公開挑戰納吉執政團隊:《如果你們認為說真話是一種犯罪行為的話,那麼,就把我抓去關吧!》 王儲殿下表示:《因為我會繼續講真話,不會因為對方是什麼權貴而改變立場,我更不會為了討好某些權貴而戴上虛偽的面具,發表違心之論!》



《我會繼續憑良心講真話,如果他們(指納吉的執政團隊)認為講真話是一種犯罪行為的話,那麼就把我抓去監獄關起來吧!》他說。 Advertisements


王儲殿下是星期六晚上受邀在ASTRO AWANI接受名嘴哈里伊斯甘達Harith Iskandar訪問時,發表以上談話。 柔佛王儲東姑依斯邁說,他已受邀於下月12日與首相拿督斯里納吉共赴茶會,他表示將會出席,也向民眾徵求要向首相傳達的一些訊息。 他今晚上Astro Awani哈利依斯干達清談節目時說,他過去所提的建議都是為了民眾及下一代,從不為個人利益發言,所以看到不恰當的事就會直言。

他稱,他的父親柔州蘇丹依布拉欣殿下曾告誡他不要把政治與教育丶宗教及商業混為一談,否則只會造成貪污情況。 他也語帶玄機指出:「你們(觀眾)有什麽好問的好趁快了,下一周就要實行新法令(國家安全理事會法令)了,我也訂好了我的(飛機)票。」惟他也將話鋒一轉,笑說今日不是為了要惹麻煩的,促Astro無須擔心。

提到他最近與大馬足總的風波,東姑依斯邁揭露,他所掌握大馬足總情報的隨身碟,是個人認為足總不應有的做法並與國家隊計劃有關,惟基於保護消息來源,目前無法公布詳情,但他也保證將用該情報「敲山震虎」(rock the boat)。 他也提及,基於對柔佛達魯達格敬(JDT)的厚愛,他不會是大馬足總會長的適合人選,也無意出掌該職位,並稱只有中立的人才有資格擔任足總會長。 他說:「青體部長也曾針對數項計劃邀我加入,我表示或許擔任顧問給意見可以,若要掌管事務,我在柔佛還有許多責任要履行,並不方便。」 「唯目前足總管理層確實需要下台了,他們對足球沒有概念,沒意識到我國的情況。我們不能盲目自信的說我國足總不需要外援,我國足球確有許多不足,需要靠外籍專家的幫助以建立起來。我個人也相信對球員的教育及語文提升,也能幫助促進他們的專業表現。」 If speaking out is a crime, then jail me, says Johor prince Johor Crown Prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ipahim, noted for speaking his mind, said he did so to remind the leaders to serve the people with integrity, dedication and devotion. "If that is a crime, then they have to put me in jail, because I am going to continue to do it," he said. He revealed this on a local television talk show, 'Obviously Harith Iskandar', onAstro Awanilast night. "Whatever I voice up is not personal to anyone. It is just a reminder. If I can't even remind leaders in this country who are there to serve the people, what is the point of me being here?" he asked. "I was pought up by my family, especially my father and grandfather, always to be honest and straightforward. "Sometime we have to be diplomatic, but I prefer to be direct to get the message across, otherwise people won't take it seriously," he said. He also disclosed he will pass on the messages of the people to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, whom he will meet on Aug 12. "I am invited for tea with the prime minister on (Aug) 12. So, if you have any message you want to pass to him, you can see me after the show," he quipped. He, however, did not elaborate on the purpose of his session with Najib. Tunku Ismail also urged the royal families in the country to play a role in the matters that required them to speak up. Citing his father, Johor Sultan Ipahim Sultan Iskandar, he stressed that education, religion and business should never be mixed with politics. "When you involve these three things with politics, you will give birth to corruption," he said. The crown prince also poked fun at the controversial National Security Council Act, to come in force from today (Aug 1), without quite naming it. "There are a lot of things you can get out of me, and this is the time you can ask me a lot of questions. I think you have heard that the government has a new law now, on Monday. By the way, Astro, do not worry, I am not going to say something stupid, no one is going to get in trouble," he quipped. Not the right person Tunku Ismail also claimed that he is not the right person to head the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM). "If I am FAM president, I will be very biased toward JDT (Johor Darul Ta'zim),」 he explained. 「You cannot have someone from any of the state FAs. You need to have someone neutral to the states. I love my state and JDT so much. I will be biased. You need someone else as FAM president. "However Sports and Youth Minister Khairy Jamaluddin is to propose a few options for me to get involved," he said. The prince, however, said he could only offer advice as he has his own commitments in Johor. He also suggested that a few executive council members needed to be removed from FAM. "We need foreign expertise, the idea is to learn a lot of things. The problem is you cannot bebodoh,sombong(stupid and arrogant) and say 'no'. "If we knew how to run everything on our own, our football would not be where it is today," he added.



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